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Start OpenMind Launches the Book “Ch@nge” in Madrid
23 April 2014

OpenMind Launches the Book “Ch@nge” in Madrid

Estimated reading time Time 1 to read

Francisco González presents the latest book in the BBVA series “Ch@nge: 19 essays on how the Internet is transforming our lives” in Madrid.

The book launch will be attended by two of the authors that have been instrumental in explaining the “ch@nge” that Internet is bringing about at all levels of society today: Federico Casalegno, Director of the MIT Mobile Experience Lab and deputy director of the MIT Design Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Lucien Engelen, Director of the Reshape Innovation Center and Chief Imagineer at the Radboud University Medical Centre in Nimega, Holland.


On 29 April, starting at 7 pm (CET /GMT+2), you will be able to follow the presentations by these authors and the debate on the issues explored by Federico Casalegno, Lucien Engelen and the Chairman and CEO of BBVA in their respective articles by live streaming: the connections that allow cities to act as living organisms; the medicine of the future featuring increased patient involvement, and the change that Internet is bringing about in banking: an industry in which information is an ever more highly valued asset.

If you want to be part of the “ch@nge”, don’t miss the live stream of the event on the OpenMind website, and participate by putting your questions to the authors through our Twitter profile, with the hashtag #OpenMindCambio.


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