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Start How Much do You Know about the link between Science and Literature?
20 June 2019

How Much do You Know about the link between Science and Literature?

Estimated reading time Time 1 to read

Since the 19th century, many writers have drawn inspiration from science and technology. It was then that scientific activity started having a more direct impact on society, triggering a fascination for innovation and its consequences. In this quiz we take a look at several authors and literary works influenced by pivotal scientific ideas and at the names of some scientists that were highly influenced by literature. Is there a link between Cervantes and Astronomy? How much science is there in Mary Shelley’s or Isaac Asimov’s fictions?


If you enjoyed our quiz, feel free to visit our website, where you can find articles that will help you learn more about the scientific origins of Frankenstein, Cervantes’ other interests and his fantasy beasts, stories of love & hate for science, and “the other side” of authors such as Edgar Allan Poe or Isaac Asimov.

Paz Palacios

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