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Start The 8 most Brilliant Fictional Scientist we Love (8/8)
15 June 2015

The 8 most Brilliant Fictional Scientist we Love (8/8)

Estimated reading time Time 1 to read

Gil Grissom

BBVA-OpenMind-Gil Grissom-The 8 most Brilliant Fictional Scientist we Love


Appears in  Portrayed by Alma Mater

CSI Las Vegas

William Petersen


Field of study: Biology and Entomology

Since his childhood, Gil Grissom expressed great interest in insects. His academic path led him to become one of the 15 leading experts in entomology in the US; his specialisation in forensic entomology (study of insects on corpses) made him a vital member of the CSI Las Vegas team.

Who he reminds us of

Grissom’s expertise reminds us of French veterinarian and entomologist Jean Pierre Mégnin. He was one of the first scientists to study the fauna that appeared in corpses and in finding a relationship between their presence and the time of death.

BBVA-OpenMind-Jean Pierre Megnin-The 8 most Brilliant Fictional Scientist we Love

Publicó una quincena de trabajos sobre esta temática, siendo su obra más importante La Faune des Tombeaux (La Fauna de las Tumbas). Este libro es considerado como el pilar fundador de la entomología forense.

During his lifetime, he published fifteen papers on this subject; his most important work being La Faune des Tombeaux (The Fauna of the Tombs). This book is regarded as the founding pillar of forensic entomology.

One of his quotes

“I’m always admitting I’m wrong. That’s how I eventually get to right.”

2 OpenMind articles Grissom would read



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