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Start Discover Multimedia The Great Inventions in the History of Solar Energy
13 May 2024

The Great Inventions in the History of Solar Energy

The history of solar energy dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, but it was in the 19th century that its electrical potential was discovered. Through advances in the use of materials and designs, solar cells have increased in efficiency and are used in a wide range of devices. Research continues to make the most of the sun's energy.

🌞 The Greeks and Romans took advantage of sunlight in their buildings.

🌞 Inventor Charles Fritts created the first solar cell in 1883.

🌞 Albert Einstein demonstrated the photoelectric effect in 1905.

🌞 Russell Shoemaker Ohl discovered the semiconducting properties of silicon.

🌞 Bell Laboratories announced the first practical solar panel in 1954.

🌞 Current solar cells reach more than 30% efficiency.

🌞  Research continues to harness solar energy more efficiently.