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Start Don Quixote’s Mythical Animals Wordsearch Puzzle
21 April 2020

Don Quixote’s Mythical Animals Wordsearch Puzzle

Estimated reading time Time 1 to read

World Book Day (also know as World Book and Copyright Day) is celebrated on April 23rd in most parts of the world. Several literary anniversaries take place on this date. Among others, the death of some of the world’s most important writers, including William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes, author of The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, probably the best-known Spanish literary work and one of the most acknowledged books worldwide.

In Don Quixote, Cervantes mentions many different types of animals, some of which are real (donkeys, horses, sheep, goats,..) and others which are fictional, mythical creatures like the unicorn and the phoenix.

We have hidden 10 of these animals in this wordsearch puzzle. Can you find them?

If you want to know more about these mythical creatures from Don Quixote, don’t miss this article by our collaborator Manuel Rejón.

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