Founding President of the Tellus Institute, a policy research organization on environment and development that has conducted thousands of projects throughout the world since 1976. In addition, Dr. Paul D. Raskin founded the Global Scenario Group, the Great Transition Initiative, and the US center of the Stockholm Environment Institute. The overarching theme of his work has been developing visions and strategies for a transition to a sustainable and just future. Toward this larger aim, his research has spanned issues (energy, water, climate change, ecosystems, and development) and spatial scales (local, national, and global). In support of this program, he conceived and developed such widely used models as the Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) system, the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) system and the PoleStar System, a framework for exploring integrated long-range scenarios.
Dr. Raskin has published widely, serving as a lead author on the US National Academy of Science’s Board on Sustainability, the International Panel on Climate Change, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the Earth Charter, UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook and numerous other international efforts. Dr. Raskin received a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Columbia University in 1970.
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