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Start Science Questions: Jesús Ávila
27 April 2015

Science Questions: Jesús Ávila

Estimated reading time Time 1 to read

In this interview Jesús Ávila, research professor at Center for Molecular Biology ‘Severo Ochoa’, gives his personal views on scientific innovation.

Ventana al Conocimiento “knowledge Window” asks a group of experts about the greatest milestones in science history and the hopes they have on future achievements and discoveries. Jesús Ávila outlines the main challenges in his research field: neuroscience and fighting against the neurodegenerative diseases. 

If you want to know more about Jesús Ávila, check his profile and the article “Biomedicine at the Turn of the Century” available at OpenMind.


Different perspectives…


Ventana al Conocimiento (Knowledge Window)

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