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Start Welcome to the Future
22 April 2013

Welcome to the Future

Estimated reading time Time 2 to read

Finding out what tomorrow brings is no easy task. However, at OpenMind we are certain that it is possible to build a better future by generating knowledge and sharing it with all areas of society. This is the philosophy behind OpenMind, which was created in 2011 with the aim of increasing the dissemination of the articles featured in a series of books published by BBVA, in which leading international figures discuss the major challenges of our times.

The 5th volume in the series, There’s a future: visions for a better world, was launched in Madrid with the attendance of three of the experts whose writings are included in the book: Anne Lise Kjaer, José Manuel Sánchez Ron and Kevin Warwick, alongside the BBVA Chairman Francisco González, who is also featured in the book, which contains 18 articles divided into 5 core topics: science, technology, environment, global society and people.

The future that OpenMind shows us includes cyborgs, interdisciplinary scientists and sweeping changes in how we consume. Anne Lise Kjaer (futurist t and founder of the trend forecasting agency Kjaer Global) poses interesting questions on the values that will govern the society of tomorrow: will we manage to disassociate happiness from consumption? What role will companies and individuals play in such a society?

Science and research will also change: what will the research teams of the future look like? In what direction is the scientific community moving? José Manuel Sánchez Ron (Professor of  Science History at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and member of the Spanish Royal Academy) is convinced that partnerships between different scientific disciplines will be key for progress in the future.

And undoubtedly the most spectacular transformations will come from technology: what might machines be able to do in future? Will humans be able to use technology to improve their own species? Will two people be able to connect their nervous systems? The work of Kevin Warwick (Professor of Cybernetics at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom) is key to understanding the latest advances in the field of artificial intelligence.

If you want to find out more about what the future holds in store, you are in the right place! We have revamped our OpenMind website, with a new design and content structure. Browse through our categories (science, technology,  economy,  environment and humanities) and download for free any of the more than 100 articles available on the website absolutely free. We now also have a series of regular collaborators from the academic and from the online world, who publish brief articles on current issues.  Share with us and help us to build a better future!


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