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Oliver López-Corona

CONACyT Chair researcher

Dr. Oliver López-Corona is a CONACyT Chair researcher and associate researcher at the Center for Complexity Sciences at the UNAM. He began his studies in Engineering but switched to Physics, where his initial interest was in general relativity and cosmology. However, at that time, he met his wife, who was finishing her biology degree in evolutionary ecology, which made his interest change from black holes to a much more difficult subject to study – ecosystems.

After studying Physics, he carried out postgraduate studies in Earth Sciences, where he proposed a new subsurface flow equation as part of his doctoral work. Subsequently, he worked briefly in the formation of the National Laboratory of Sustainability Sciences; he did a postdoctoral stay in relativistic astrophysics at the Institute of Astronomy of the UNAM; he was a visiting researcher at the IBERO’s EQUIDE where he returned to work on issues relating to ecosystemic health and multidimensional poverty; and is now working on a thermodynamic-informational framework to formalize Ecology and understand ecosystem health from the perspective of complex systems, especially Antifragility (the way systems respond to disturbances).

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