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Start Top 7 Programming Techniques That Would Come in Handy
01 August 2019

Top 7 Programming Techniques That Would Come in Handy

Estimated reading time Time 2 to read

Programming is a complex matter. Therefore, every technique that helps to simplify it is very useful. In this article, we will consider simple and effective programming techniques which will help to simplify the work of the programmer.

Nowadays, it’s often being discussed the programming language which will be better for students who learn how to program. I fact, the programming language is not important because learning to program is learning to develop algorithmic thinking.

Programming techniques are almost in all aspects of our lives, starting from subconscious mind programming techniques to computer programming. So, here is a list of the most basic computer programming techniques. Some of them are obvious and don’t require to be described in detail.

  1. Variables. Variables can be considered as the most essential programming techniques. The number and their type depend on the language you are using.
  2. Repetition or Loops. «For» is the most widely spread type of repetition. Most languages apply «for» to convey the idea of counting.
  3. Decisions or Selection. To make the program flexible, we must make it respond to user input. Most algorithmic languages use a select method to control the program flow.
  4. Arrays. Arrays are helpful for collections of similar items.
  5. Modular Arithmetic. It will help to limit the number of program’s outputs or to make the things to “wrap around”. It’s one of the most plain and helpful programming techniques.
  6. Manipulating Text. The text is being stored as numbers. The ability to convert the symbols to ASCII and vice-versa is a very helpful technique. You can apply it in many cases. One of them is to check for upper or lower case, for example. Chopping up strings is also very useful. You can display initials or create anagrams in such a way.
  7. Random Numbers and Scaling. Scaling numbers is a helpful skill so try to master it. Randomness will also help if you want things to look more natural. For example, applying recursive programming techniques, you’ve made a tree in Scratch but it looks unnatural. Add some randomness to create a natural-looking effect.

What Professions Require Programming Skills

The world is changing rapidly. New gadgets and electronic reviews appear almost every day. And today many professions require coding and programming skills  – and not only those which are directly related to IT.

  • Programmer. Programmers make good money, and universal computerization increases the demand for IT-specialists.
  • Web-developer. The popularity of social networks, unlimited possibilities of the Internet for business, education, entertainment – all this makes the profession of web-programmer interesting, popular and highly paid.
  • Copywriter, SMM – and SEO-optimizer. People of these professions are directly related to the field of IT –  their task is promoting sites on the world wide web and social platforms. They don’t develop web resources and databases but the people of these professions must understand how they work.
  • Accountant, financier. People of these professions work a lot in specialized programs which are often very complex and require competent configuration. That’s when they will need basic coding and programming skills.

Thus, the ability to program is extremely important for a person, no matter what profession he or she has chosen. Learning programming trains memory, thinking, logic and helps in achieving professional and life goals.

What concepts, techniques and models of computer programming can you recommend to the novice programmers? Share your experience.

 Jake Lester

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