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Start Mikko Hypponen: Who Owns the Internet?
17 March 2014

Mikko Hypponen: Who Owns the Internet?

Estimated reading time Time 1 to read

Mikko Hypponen is Head of Investigation at F-Secure Corporation in Finland. With more than 20 years’ experience in information security, he is considered one of the most influential thinkers on the Internet.

The security problem faced by the network has gone from Trojan viruses to government attacks. Has the Internet become a new weapon for specific purposes, even though it is freely accessible to any individual or organization?

Governments and legislators did not understand the magnitude of the net when it emerged in the 90s. Now they have become aware of its potential and are, in the words of Hypponen, “in the midst of a struggle for control of the Internet.”

See how we can maintain internet freedom in the future in Hypponen’s article “Cyber attacks”, available in the latest book by OpenMind: “Ch@nge: 19 Key Essays on How the Internet is Changing our Lives.”


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