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Start Desired Future vs. Expected Future
03 December 2012

Desired Future vs. Expected Future

Estimated reading time Time 2 to read

It has been five years since an unprecedented financial crisis broke out that has quickly run over countries, citizens, businesses and institutions of all kinds. Since then, we have been given one explanation after another about what the causes were for having ended up in this situation. It is not my intention to go into them.

Let me give this post an aura of optimism and hope, and gamble to believe that a better future lies ahead. I don’t want to disconnect from reality: friends, family and the news remind us every day of what we currently have.

But we cannot stay there because we want something else and that “something else” must be our cause of action to draw the following steps. It is time for action.

What are we learning from these years? What future do we want? And how are we going to build it?

The loss of principles, a value system, integrity and ethical behavior have resulted in the world (people) making mistakes. It is not my intention to seek “the guilty ones”. In my opinion, this is the great learning opportunity that we can take for that desired future. Governments and institutions have to contribute to its development and step in if necessary to correct inappropriate practices.

Respect, sustainable models, innovation and technology to serve people, transparency, defining different ways of doing things and trust between us may be, in my point of view, a good guiding principle from today to tomorrow.

And today, coincidentally, we have brilliant personal, professional and business-related examples of leadership around us. People and organizations that are working to build a better future and that, undoubtedly, invite to live with a positive attitude.

As Aldous Huxley wrote, “Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.”

Pedro Corredoira

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