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Joaquín José Chacón Guadalix


I studied the great passion of my professional life in Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain and got the doctorate level. It is energy storage in electrochemical batteries and I have spent 24 years working around these devices. After 10 years in research and development activities with cells and batteries, I coursed a MBA in IEDE school to develop my career in management and commercial positions, always in leader companies (TUDOR, EMISA, EXIDE, SAFT, etc.) and in an international environment. Nowadays, I am living directly the advances of the Smart Grid concepts and technologies from my own company, Albufera Energy Storage, which started to operate in 2013 with the goal to become a reference in this field, developing new technologies able to bring the efficient and profitable storage of electricity. Other data: I love the scientific divulgation. I am Chairman of the Foundation for the Support of the National Museum of Science and Technology in Spain (FAMUNCYT).

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