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Start What About a City Created From Garbage With Huge 3D Printers?
13 May 2014

What About a City Created From Garbage With Huge 3D Printers?

Estimated reading time Time 1 to read

By Mitchell Joachim and Melanie Fessel 

Outsized automated 3-D printers could be modified to rapidly process trash and to complete the task within decades. These potential automatons would be entirely based on existing techniques commonly used in industrial waste compaction devices. To accomplish this job, nothing drastically new needs to be invented.

Eventually, the future city would make no distinction between waste and supply

Most technologies are intended to be off-the-shelf. Instead of machines that crush objects into cubes, compaction devices could benefit from adjustable jaws that would craft simple shapes into smart “puzzle blocks” for assembly. The blocks of waste material could be predetermined, using computational geometries, in order to fit domes, archways, lattices, windows, or whatever patterns would be needed.

Islands out of trash in New York

Different materials could serve specified purposes: transparent plastic for fenestration, organic compounds for temporary decomposable scaffolds, metals for primary structures and so on. Eventually, the future city would make no distinction between waste and supply.

You can read more information about this is issue in the article Rethinking Urban Landscapes. Self-Supported Infrastructure, Technology and Territory

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