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Start Discover Multimedia Feminist Approaches to International Relations Theory in the Post- Cold War Period
11 April 2018

Feminist Approaches to International Relations Theory in the Post- Cold War Period

This article reflects on the trajectory and development of feminist scholarship since the end of the Cold War. It begins with a statement of ‘feminist intent’, moving then to consider the post-Cold War introduction of feminist scholarship into the academic study of international politics, namely the discipline of International Relations (IR). I will then offer some snapshots of key feminist approaches connecting these up with contemporary global political issues. The concluding sections will return to reconsider the opening statement of ‘feminist intent’, first through a discussion of four globally significant women, then offer my views on the contemporary relevance and import of feminist scholarship in the context of global politics both in theory and in practice.
ByMarysia ZalewskiinThe Age of Perplexity: Rethinking the World We Knew.