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José Enebral Fernández

Training Consultant

José Enebral Fernández began his professional activity in 1972, at the Research Center of International Telephone & Telegraph in Madrid, within the area of ​​new technologies and methodologies for training. He has published articles in print magazines such as Dirección y Progreso (APD), Capital Humano, Dirigir Personas, Training & Development Digest, Learning Review, Nueva Empresa, Cambio Financiero, Visión Humana, Coaching Magazine, ObservatorioRH, Focus, Know Square and others, and also in numerous electronic media. Highlights of his personal and professional career include:

• Technical Engineer in Electronics from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

• Further training at ITT, Eurofórum and ESIC.

• Teaching in graduate schools.

• Instructional designer of online learning systems.

• Consultant in the field of lifelong learning. • Lecturer in different forums and cities in Spain and Argentina.

• Know Square Award for the best corporate article of 2016 published by the think tank.

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