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Start The 8 most Brilliant Fictional Scientist we Love (7/8)
15 June 2015

The 8 most Brilliant Fictional Scientist we Love (7/8)

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Susan Calvin

BBVA-OpenMind-Susan Calvin-The 8 most Brilliant Fictional Scientist we Love

Appears in Portrayed by Alma Mater
I, Robot Bridget Moynahan columbia

Field of study: Psychiatry, Psychology and Advanced Robotics

Según Isaac Asimov y con apenas 16 años, Susan Calvin publicó un ensayo titulado “Aspectos Prácticos de la Robótica” tras su primer seminario sobre Inteligencia Artificial. Se graduó en cibernética y se incorporó a US Robotics como Robopsicóloga.

According to Isaac Asimov, Susan Calvin published at age 16 an essay titled “Practical Aspects of Robotics” after her first seminar on Artificial Intelligence. She graduated in cybernetics and joined US Robotics as a robopsychologist.

She reminds us of…

Kevin “Captain Cyborg” WarwickProfessor of cybernetics at Reading University where he conducts research on artificial intelligence, robotics and cyborgs. He has awarded The Future of Health Technology Award from MIT.

Kevin Warwick invented an intelligent deep brain stimulator to counteract the effects of Parkinson’s Disease. Tremors are predicted and a current signal is applied to stop them before they start. Another project involves the use of biological neurons to drive robots around; the robot brains are made of neural tissue.

Captain Cyborg is best known for his pioneering experiments involving a neuro-surgical implantation into the nerves of his left arm to link his nervous system directly with a computer to assess the latest technology for use with the disabled. He was successful with the first extra-sensory (ultrasonic) input for a human and the first purely electronic telegraphic communication between the nervous systems of two humans.


One of her quotes

Detective Del Spooner: So, what exactly do you do around here?
Susan Calvin: I make the robots seem more human.

3 OpenMind articles Susan Calvin would read:

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